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NIST Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) Fundamentals

Training Course

Best NIST Zero Trust Architecture ZTA Training Course

Title: NIST Zera Trust Architecture (ZTA) Fundamentals

    • Modalities: Self-Paced Online

    • Live Instructor-Led: By Request

  • Duration: 2 days



This course is designed to introduces students to the foundational concepts behind the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Zero Trust Architecture as presented in NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-207. 


Who Should Attend

  • Line of Business Leadership

  • Non-Technical Managers

  • Technical Managers

  • Industry Members (e.g., Manufacturing Extension Program, State-Federal Liaisons)


Course Agenda

  • Day 1 (AM):

    • Introductions

    • What is zero trust and zero trust architecture (ZTA)

      • Tenets of zero trust

      • Zero trust networks

      • ZTA components overview

    • What is the role of NIST SP 800-207 Zero Trust Architecture

    • ZTA architecture approaches

      • Deployed variations of ZTA

      • Trust algorithm

      • Network/environment components

  • Day 1 (PM):

    • ZTA relationship to existing guidance and standards

    • ZTA and NIST RMF

    • ZTA and NIST Privacy Framework

    • ZTA and Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management Architecture

    • ZTA and EINSTEIN (National Cybersecurity Protection System)

    • ZTA and DHS Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigations (CDM) Program

    • ZTA, Cloud Smart and the Federal Data Strategy

  • Day 2 (AM):

    • ZTA deployment scenarios

      • Enterprise with satellite facilities

      • Multi-cloud/cloud-to-cloud

      • Enterprise with external service providers and/or non-employee access

      • Cross-enterprise boundary collaboration

      • Enterprise with public- or customer-facing services

    • ZTA threats

      • Subversion

      • DoS

      • Stolen credentials and inside threats

      • Network visibility

      • System and network information storage

      • Reliance on proprietary data formats

      • Non-person entity (NPE) use in ZTA administration

  • Day 2 (PM):

    • ZTA migration

      • Pure ZTA

      • Hybrid ZTA

      • Integrating with a perimeter-based network

      • Gaps in ZTA

    • Review

    • Exam

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